A beautiful few days in Adelaide with the lovely, perhaps loveliest Z & E, made for very, very, delightful memories. After almost a year and a half back in Sydney, I have been taking solace in the rare times I get to op-shop, the vintage style cafes I find on south trips and the occasional antique store. My poor, poor mind thought this was enough; amazing even. Upon returning to Adelaide I fell in love all over again with it and realised how much vintage perfection I was missing out on. I think I may have even gone into shock when on the day of my arrival E took me to a vintage cafe - I mean vintage everywhere AND a section for vintage clothes. We managed to fit in a visit to an amazing organic cafe/shop and had the yummiest breakfast, a great op-shop where I bought a few things for max and I, and more vintage shops. I was in love.
What I didn't expect was to be blown away by the Gilles street Market even more! The outfits above are what we wore to the markets and boy did we have a good time! (Well I did, I'm pretty sure E would say she did too hehe!) More on those vintage goodies later.
E's house is a treasure trove of vintage things and I will post some of my shots of her beautiful home soon, but for now I've included my lil' Maxwell "posing" with her awesome vintage kids chair and wooden aeroplane.
p.s how many times did I say vintage just now?