Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants....

A different kind of inspiration.

Always interested in improving my diet without actually being on a diet, I was intrigued when my father, a 73yr old Australian man who has become an Indian food expert, gave me this movie "Forks over Knives" to have a look at. Dad has really started eating well and has cut a lot of his meat intake but increased his lentils and alternatives - thus the love of Indian food. Or was it the other way around? anyways..

Incredible. The scientific research gone into it only backs the obvious. We all know we are supposed to eat our vegetables, and that organic food when available is always going to be the best for us. BUT the interesting point this documentary makes is just how much animal products contribute to diseases - I was particularly interested in it's effect on cancer cells.

This is not some weird push to be vegetarian or vegan; sure it's not nice to kill animals and eat them, but hey on a decent cheeseburger who can really say no? My point is, in the end we have been told how good meat and dairy is for us, yet these things are severely contributing to our bodies weakening and developing diseases. Whether it is ethically right or wrong, whether cutting out meat will help the environment or not, is not what this is about. It is about health.

So what DO we eat?

Whole Plant Foods People!

What could be a more simpler diet?

To get you motivated (gently) after watching the movie, or before:

 Featured in Peppermint Magazine, I quickly looked her up again after watching this documentary. So take a look yeah?

eat well
live well


Tricia said...

Looking forward to watching this doco. We've been contemplating increasing the amount of meat we eat because were finding it hard to eat enough protein at the moment. But your comments have reminded me that increasing the amount of meat we eat isn't the answer. Thank you :-)

WolvesAtTheDoor said...

I am a vegetarian and just LOVE my healthy food!!! Fruit, vegies, nuts, wholegrains, dark chocolate, green tea....seaweed, dried fruits...I could go on but I'm getting hungry! There is such a variety out there to keep you looking and feeling great!

Cindi Myers said...

Well...I stopped by to thank you for visiting my blog and commenting! And NOW Thank You! for Forks over Knives! I now have it on order at the library!
:) - Cindi

Veggie Mama said...

OH HAI! thanks for the shoutout! Hope I live up to your glowing recommendation xx

b and e said...

Hey b,

Loved reading this post and hope to watch the documentary soon, sounds like it makes a lot of sense.

~e xo

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